Sustainability Club


The Sustainability Club

The Sustainability Club is a student organization sponsored by the Sustainability Institute. The club works with the Sustainability Institute to promote sustainable activities on the FAMU campus. Our projects for the 2022-23 academic year include the restoration of the on-campus SEED (Sustainability Education and Engagement Destination) Garden, working with the FAMU recycling center to expand re-use programs on campus, and working with the food service company, Metz, to reduce Styrofoam waste on campus for this year. Contact the Sustainability Institute for more information:

The Sustainability Club


Sustainability Institute
sustainability@famu.eduLucy Moten Bldg, Rm. 101449 Robert & Trudie Perkins WayTallahassee, FL 32307

Hubert Hirwa, Ph.D.Assistant 599-8231

Rosny Jean, Ph.D.Faculty 599-8232